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Stay up to date on all things Langdon, Langdon & District Chamber of Commerce and Rocky View County. Here you will find newsletters, LDCC meeting minutes, RVC Council updates, Letters to and from different levels of Government Officials, and local updates.

The LDCC Chamber Chatter newsletter is a monthly newsletter that anyone can subscribe to. This newsletter showcases what our volunteer board does in the community, allows our business members to use this newsletter as a FREE advertising tool, as well as hi-light community events, new member shoutouts and more!

November 2020 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Date:  November, 10 2020    10:00 AM / CONFERENCE ROOM or VIA ZOOM Attendees 2020/2021 LDCC Board of Directors Agenda Call to Order 10:20am Roll Call: Alysha Bates, Terri Torraville, Lana Seddon, Peter Loats, Krista Tardiff, Carla ...

Langdon Fieldhouse Gets a Water Line

Through a grant, Rocky View County and their economic recovery team has provided funding for the Langdon Fieldhouse to receive a water line. Construction was completed this past week by Rocky View Utility Corp. Water is to be supplied by Langdon Water works. And a special thank you to Trust ...

Langdon High School – Update

A contract with the successful P3 consortium is expected to be in place by the end of September 2021. The five new high schools are anticipated to open in September 2024 with a total student capacity of about 6,938 students. The five new high schools included in the P3 bundle are: ...

Notice of Special Council Meeting

In accordance with section 194(1)(a) of the Municipal Government Act and section 22 of Procedure Bylaw C-7907-2019, the Reeve may call a special Council meeting whenever the official considers it appropriate to do so. As the Chief Elected Official for Rocky View County, Reeve Dan Henn has ...

Council Decisions – Oct 28, 2020

Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the October 27, 2020 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the ...