Langdon Chamber of Commerce Logo



Stay up to date on all things Langdon, Langdon & District Chamber of Commerce and Rocky View County. Here you will find newsletters, LDCC meeting minutes, RVC Council updates, Letters to and from different levels of Government Officials, and local updates.

The LDCC Chamber Chatter newsletter is a monthly newsletter that anyone can subscribe to. This newsletter showcases what our volunteer board does in the community, allows our business members to use this newsletter as a FREE advertising tool, as well as hi-light community events, new member shoutouts and more!

CMRB and the Future of Rocky View County

CMRB and the Future of Rocky View County

Yesterday's ruling at the Calgary Metropolitian Regional Board Meeting was extremely disheartening and disappointing. The purpose of the CMRB is for municipalities to work together and plan for the future in a responsible and sustainable way. The proposed changes RVC submitted to the CMRB were ...

RVC Media Release: RE: CMRB Ruling

Below is the official Media Release by Rocky View County in response to the ruling on September 20, 2019 by the CMRB on the amendments to RVC Municipal Development Plan. Economic growth stifled by regional protectionism Friday, September 20, 2019 Rocky View County officials are concerned ...
Updates – Sept 10

Updates – Sept 10

Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the September 10, 2019 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the ...
Website Launch

Website Launch

Over the past year, the Langdon & District Chamber of Commerce Executive Board has worked tirelessly with Harkus Strategic Design Solutions and Rocky View County's Economic Development Office to create a website for not only the LDCC but also for Langdon as a whole. The new website ...
Chamber Events

Chamber Events

What a whirlwind of events the last 24 hours have been. I have been in Edmonton with the Alberta Chamber of Commerce, many nonprofits and local Chamber of Commerces from around Alberta for the ACC Political Action Day and MLA dinner. Political Action Day & MLA Dinner provides an ...
Updates June 26, 2019

Updates June 26, 2019

Update from Councillor Schule on projects within Langdon Langdon Fire Hall Work is proceeding as expected and the project continues to trend on budget. Specific items of interest include: Contract for Architectural Design was awarded in May 2019 Purchase of the new property (24 ...